Pop Tops!

Here, we will discuss randomly chosen popular topics among or about Women - per request!

Ok, listen up young Women! I know you don’t care to discuss this topic but it is OUR responsibility to put you up on game. Otherwise, you will not be properly prepared for the future. See, in our era, when we were growing up, there were certain topics that were considered “taboo” to discuss among Women - or anyone else for that matter. One of those topics is regarding our little “monthly visitors.” Now, I enjoyed reading “Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret” as much as other gal during my time. And I will admit, she made it seem exciting and all, but that shit became extremely OVERRATED over the course of time. Not to mention, a painful, troublesome nuisance!!!

But check this out…

When you finally get to the end of the road for this “monthly visitor,” then you have to deal with my girl…let’s just call her…Mena! I know it’s not spelled that way but I’m having a hot flash as we speak so give me a damn break! Mena it is! Anyway, let me tell you something about this chic - she spits hot fire like Drogon from “Game of Thrones!” She is no joke! I’ll say this and I’m done with her ass…how is it that I can wake up in the middle of the night sweating so profusely that I have to change clothes, pillows and blankets because they’re super soaked - but, when I step on my scale the next morning, I’m 2lbs HEAVIER??? Doesn’t sweating help you burn calories and purify your skin?? I picked my mom up for lunch yesterday and she said I looked “puffy” my skin looked splotchy…WTH????!!!!!

Your Turn…!


Mentors In My Head