Mentors In My Head

I would like to think that most of us have famous Women with whom we feel we can relate to personally, and that we admire. Tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine. I’ll go first…!

The “mentors in my head” are:

Judge Judith Sheindlin - because she is smarter on her worst day than I am on my best day! I love it when he says that! Some may think Judge Judy is mean; however, what I see is a powerful Woman who plays no games and has ZERO tolerance for nonsense. Judge Judy exudes a super intelligent and intuitive demeanor that I totally admire and is brains and beauty personified.

Judge Lynn Toler - because she’s “intense with common sense” - literally! She’s smart, beautiful, quick-witted and hella common-sensical! She has an insane ability to say exactly what needs to be said, when it needs to be said. A gift I wish I possessed because I’ve spent many, many days and nights going over better-case-scenarios of things I wish I’d said in certain situations! Judge Toler seems to be the type of person someone can have any type of conversation with - whether just kicking it with her or discussing Aristotle’s theory of The Mean. She is simply…amazing! She also shares my birthday AND college major so how cool is that?!

Martha Stewart - must we ask WHY for Martha? I mean, she hangs with Snoop! But Martha was cool even before Snoop. This Woman bakes, decorates and rides 4-wheelers and tractors. It seems as if she lives her life in a way where she answers to no one - and does what she wants, when she wants. Of course, I have no proof of that but, if this is true, I dig her even more for that! Again, Martha was a baddie even before hanging with Snoop. If you watch the movie about her life, you’ll see that Martha has been a boss for long time!

I’m gonna start with these sensational women for now. Your turn!


Let’s talk…relationships…lol!


Pop Tops!